Sunday, December 20, 2015

Holiday Gifts for Grillers - Part 3

With the holidays fast approaching, have you figured out what to ask Santa for? We'll be sharing a few of these with you this month :)

7. Marinade Spray Bottle - Stainless steel - all fancy!

8. Grillight - A spatula with LED light on it - what WILL they think of next??

9. Pizza Stone for the Grill - Remember that Homewrecker BBQ Chicken Pizza?

10. Brush & Bowl - Only difficult thing about BBQ is that it's messy, this apparatus might help.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Holiday Gifts for Grillers - Part 2

With the holidays fast approaching, have you figured out what to ask Santa for? We'll be sharing a few of these with you this month :)

4. Wing Rack - where has this been my whole life??

5. Magnetic Tank Reader - for folks with Propane Tanks. Great stocking stuffer.

6. Meat Claws - for shredding your porks, chickens, steak/beef, etc. Plus they're called 'MEAT CLAWS' awesome is that?

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Holiday Gifts for Grillers - Part 1

With the holidays fast approaching, have you figured out what to ask Santa for? We'll be sharing a few of these with you this month :)

1. - that's right, a Roomba for the grill!

2. Jalepeno Popper Grill Rack - We may have to do a series on this next season :)

3. Garlic roaster for the Grill - Oh man, I need to send a letter to Santa!!